First Massage Jitters? Here’s What You Can Expect

Are you considering massage therapy for pain relief, but nervous about what to expect? You’re not alone. In fact, many people avoid getting this very important and beneficial treatment due to fear of the unknown, body image issues, and for other reasons. If you’re on the fence about booking an appointment, allow me to guide you through the process so you can feel more confident and comfortable about taking this step towards improving your well-being.


When booking your first appointment online, you will be asked to fill out an intake form. This form allows me to create a customized treatment plan for you that is safe and effective. For example, someone who has had back surgery might have sensitivity around the incision areas, so it’s best if that is brought to my attention before the treatment.


After you choose your preferred day and time, you will receive a confirmation email. If booking a few days out in advance, you will receive a text reminder approximately 48 hours before your appointment time. If for any reason you need to cancel or reschedule, I kindly ask for at least 24 hours’ notice so that other clients have a chance to book that appointment slot.


Once you arrive to your appointment, I will guide you to the treatment room so we can discuss your intake form and what your goals are. Common goals include:

  • focusing on a specific area, most common areas being the back, neck, and shoulders

  • reducing anxiety

  • improving mobility

After we discuss your goals, I will ask you if there are any areas you want me to avoid. Genitals and breast tissue will always be avoided. Some people prefer to not have their feet touched, others might prefer not to have their arms touched. Whether it’s due to trauma or other personal reasons/preferences, I will happily abide by your requests without question.


Once we come up with a treatment plan, you will be asked to undress to your level of comfort. That can look very different from person to person, and there is no wrong way to do that. Some people prefer to undress to their level of comfort by:

  • removing all clothing except undergarments (women may or may not decide to remove their bra - either choice is perfectly acceptable)

  • removing all clothing including undergarments

  • keeping all clothing on

Regardless of how you choose to undress, you will always be appropriately draped (meaning: the top blanket and sheet will cover you the entire time, and only the area that I am actively working on will be uncovered. Genitals and breast tissue will always remain covered). The only exception to no draping would be in the case where you are wearing activewear for sports massage - men wearing shorts, and women wearing shorts as well as a sports bra.


You will then be instructed how to get onto the massage table. I typically start my clients prone (meaning: lying down on your stomach), underneath the top sheet and blanket. I’ll ask you if you have any other questions before I leave the room to give you privacy to undress. And I do mean any questions! There’s no such thing as a dumb question. After I leave the room, I’ll give you a minute or two before knocking on the door to ask if I can enter the room.


Now is the time to take a deep breath and allow yourself to get settled onto the cozy massage table. Depending on your stress level, it might take a few minutes to feel yourself starting to relax. I understand that you might be anxious, so please allow yourself as much time as you need in order to let your body and mind settle. I keep a lamp with soft lighting on during the intake process, but I usually turn it off once I enter the room. The room will get dark, but I have other ambient lighting present to keep it cozy. Prefer more light? Just let me know and I’d be happy to keep the lamp lighting on.


During your massage, I will palpate the problem areas that you told me to assess what muscles need to be addressed in order to maximize the benefits of your treatment. I’ll ask you how the pressure is within the first few minutes of your session - please let me know if it’s too strong, too weak, or just right. I want you to have the best experience possible, so your feedback is important and greatly appreciated! You won’t hurt my feelings if I have to use more or less pressure - every body responds to pressure differently, and I’m capable of adjusting pressure so it’s perfect for yours.


Once the massage is over, I’ll leave the room so that you can get dressed. You should be feeling much better prior to your treatment, as well as noticing an improvement in how any problem areas are feeling. I strongly suggest booking your next appointment before you leave so that you can stay on a consistent schedule. Massage therapy is like going to the gym - you can go once and feel the immediate benefits, but to get the most out of it, I suggest that you stick to a routine and get massage therapy regularly.


Ready to take the next step towards a happier, more limber you? Book your appointment and see why others make deep tissue massage in Fort Lauderdale a part of their wellness routine!